
Current Information

31. Leipziger Antiquariatsmesse

27.03.-30.03.2025: 31. Leipziger Antiquariatsmesse

Do-So, 10-18 Uhr, Messehalle 5

Entdecken Sie auf der Leipziger Antiquariatsmesse seltene Schätze und historische Exemplare und tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Literaturgeschichte. Eine Vielfalt von antiquarischen Büchern, Grafiken und Autographen sowie die beliebte Literaturmeile mit preiswertem Lesefutter lädt erneut Jung und Alt zum Stöbern und Kaufen ein, erneut in Messehalle 5. – Discover rare treasures and historical specimens at the Leipzig Antiquarian Book Fair and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of literary history. A variety of antiquarian books, prints and autographs as well as the popular literature mile with inexpensive reading material once again invites young and old to browse and buy, once again in exhibition hall 5.

My current Rare Books Catalogue

Antiquariatskatalog MMXXIV/IV

Dezember 2024: Antiquariatskatalog MMXXIV/IV

Miszellen zum Jahreswechsel – Old an Rare Books 2024/2025

Show catalogue Show all catalogues

Aus dem Antiquariat

Aus dem Antiquariat Aus dem Antiquariat

Zeitschrift für Antiquare und Büchersammler
NF 22, Nr. 4, 2024

News about old books and current new publications, combined in a magazine that is unique in German-speaking countries. The magazine is published four times a year and brings antiquarians, book scholars and book collectors up to date with the latest developments in the field of rare books business.

Further information

Other News from the Antiquarian Book Trade

Other News from the Antiquarian Book Trade Other News from the Antiquarian Book Trade

Market Data for the Rare Books Market from the „Börsenblatt“, the Specialist Magazine for the German Book Industry and Book Trade.

Further information