The small series “AVKB-Edition” will additionally bring together some texts, monographs and bibliographies that are out of print or difficult to access and make them available as reprints in hardback book form.

I invite you to browse through my offer of modern scientific publications and fine old prints, online or in my printed catalogues.

DÜNKEL,F., Legalbewährung. Berlin 1980

DÜNKEL, Frieder,

Legalbewährung nach sozialtherapeutischer Behandlung. Eine empirische vergleichende Untersuchung anhand der Strafregisterauszüge von 1503 in den Jahren 1971-74 entlassenen Strafgefangenen in Berlin-Tegel. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1980.

8vo. XIX, 483 S. Zahlr. Tab. Originaler Verlagskarton. (Strafrecht und Kriminologie, hrsg. v. H.-H. Jescheck u. G. Kaiser, 7). (St.a.T., Rückenschild). (NP 104,— EUR).

Order Number: 15145AB

Rare Book: EUR 60,-- 

catalog publisher history of science politics bookshop dealer

The small series “AVKB-Edition” will additionally bring together some texts, monographs and bibliographies that are out of print or difficult to access and make them available as reprints in hardback book form.