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MOLINARI,G.de, Conversations sur le commerce des grains. Paris 1855

MOLINARI, G(ustave) de,

Conversations sur le commerce des grains et la protection de l’agriculture. Paris, Guillaumin, 1855.

Kl.-8vo. XII, 314 S. Hlwd (St.a.T.).

Erste Ausgabe. – Molinari (1819-1912) war zunächst Journalist, bevor er die akademische Laufbahn einschlug. „Determined advocate of free trade liberalism and opponent of socialism, first as a journalist in Paris and then in academic and editorial capacities. He related liberty and property to the economic phenomena of value, arguing that the object of liberty is value and that value is the substance of property“ (Blaug 612).

Bestellnummer: 1864AB

Antiquariat: EUR 80,--