I welcome you to the pages of our website, with which I would like to share with you my continuing enthusiasm for the antiquarian book trade.

Collecting is a basic instinct of human nature and book collecting is one of the noblest among the collecting passions



der Rechtsangleichung. Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium zum 70. Geburtstag. Hrsg. v. Georg Ress. Saarbrücken, Europa-Institut der Univ. des Saarlandes, 1987.

8vo. 110 S. Mit Portrait. Originaler Verlagskarton. (Vorträge, Reden und Berichte aus dem Europa-Institut, hrsg. v. Georg Ress u. Michael R. Will, 137). Neuwertiger Zustand!

Mit Beiträgen von Elmar Wadle, Georg Ress, Hans-Joachim Glaesner, Peter Karpenstein, Hans Claudius Taschner, Heinrich Matthies.

Order Number: 20612AB

Rare Book: EUR 30,-- 

VICO Antiquariat social sciences political ideas rare books purchase antiquarian

I welcome you to the pages of our website, with which I would like to share with you my continuing enthusiasm for the antiquarian book trade.