Sammeln ist ein Grundtrieb der menschlichen Natur und Büchersammeln eine der edelsten unter den Sammelleidenschaften

Das Angebot soll Gelehrte und Rechtsanwälte ebenso ansprechen wie wissenschaftlich interessierte Laien, es soll den wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken eine ebenso attraktive Anlaufstelle sein wie den passionierten Privatsammlern und Bibliophilen.

SCHÄFER,P., The Origins of Jewish Mysticism. 2009.



The Origins of Jewish Mysticism. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2009.

XV, 398 S. Leinen. ISBN 9783161499319.

This book provides the reader for the first time with a history of pre-kabbalistic Jewish mysticism. It covers a wide range of quite diverse literatures, from the biblical book of Ezekiel to the ascent apocalypses, the Qumran literature, Philo, Rabbinic literature, and finally the Hekhalot literature, which provides us with the first full-fledged mystical movement in late antiquity (Merkavah mysticism). Instead of imposing on these different literatures a preconceived notion of „mysticism,“ Peter Schäfer offers a close reading of the key texts and asks what they wish to convey about the age-old human desire to get close to and communicate with God.The author of this book has dedicated much of his scholarly life to the history of Jewish mysticism. The Origins of Jewish Mysticism summarizes his views in an accessible way, directed at specialists as well as at a broader audience.

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