I welcome you to the pages of our website, with which I would like to share with you my continuing enthusiasm for the antiquarian book trade.

Collecting is a basic instinct of human nature and book collecting is one of the noblest among the collecting passions

KELSEN,H., Principles of International Law. 02.A. New York 1966

Kelsen, Principles of International Law. 2.A. New York 1966


Principles of International Law. 2nd. Ed., revised and edited by Robert W. Tucker. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966.

8vo. XVIII, 602 S. Originaler Verlagsleinen. Exzellenter Zustand!

Die erste Ausgabe erschien im Jahre 1952, während Kelsens (1881-1973) Professur an der University of California in Berkeley. Den Lehrstuhl hatte er von 1945 bis 1957 inne. Die vorliegende 2. Ausgabe erschien nach Kelsens akademischer Karriere und wurde von Robert W. Tucker herausgebracht.

Order Number: 25786AB

Rare Book: EUR 220,-- 

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The thematic range of my antiquarian bookshop includes history and regional studies from antiquity to contemporary history, the diversity of jurisprudence and history of law, political science and the history of political ideas, economics, sociology, social philosophy and history of science.