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KIFFIAK,J., Responses in the Miracle Stories of the Gospels. 2017.


KIFFIAK, Jordash,

Responses in the Miracle Stories of the Gospels. Between Artistry and Inherited Tradition. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2017.

16 x 23 cm. XXIX, 817 S. Fadenbindung. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe, 429). ISBN 9783161540837.

Jordash Kiffiak offers the first concentrated study of a motif ubiquitous in the miracle stories of the gospels, namely the descriptions of characters’ speech, feelings, physical actions and the like in response to miracles. Conventional wisdom sees the response motif as a means of casting the miracle worker in a positive light. However, the author’s narrative-critical analysis argues that within each gospel the motif is employed creatively in a variety of ways. Responses serve to characterize various individuals and groups, both positively and negatively, sometimes in a more complex manner. They also contribute to the development of the plot, both in the individual episode and in the larger narrative. At the same time, observing that a network of features in the responses is shared among the gospels, Kiffiak argues that there is a common oral tradition behind the miracle stories, originating among the early followers of Jesus in the Galilee and/or Judea.

Bestellnummer: 3006VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 174,-- 

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