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BROADHEAD,E., The Gospel of Matthew on the Landscape of Antiquity. 2017.



The Gospel of Matthew on the Landscape of Antiquity. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2017.

17 x 23 cm. XVIII, 351 S. Leinen. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 378). ISBN 9783161544545.

The Gospel of Matthew is an oeuvre mouvante (a work in process), and the dynamics of this process are essential to its identity and function. This understanding of the Gospel of Matthew stands in distinction from the long history of research centered on Matthew the author and his design for the gospel. Focused instead on tradition history-the history of composition and transmission-Edwin K. Broadhead’s approach keeps open the dialectical engagements and the conflicting voices intrinsic to the Gospel of Matthew. As a result, the consistently Jewish textures of this gospel are emphasized, there is a broader engagement with the landscape of antiquity, and serious attention is given to further developments in the history of transmission. This focus on the developing tradition thus highlights, rather than suppresses, the viability and the generative potential of such discourses.

Bestellnummer: 3088VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 159,-- 

Antike Kunst Sozialphilosophie Geschichte Bücher Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Das Angebot soll Gelehrte und Rechtsanwälte ebenso ansprechen wie wissenschaftlich interessierte Laien, es soll den wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken eine ebenso attraktive Anlaufstelle sein wie den passionierten Privatsammlern und Bibliophilen.