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ROTHSCHILD,C., New Essays on the Apostolic Fathers. 2017.



New Essays on the Apostolic Fathers. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2017.

17 x 23 cm. XVI, 304 S. Leinen. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 375). ISBN 9783161551345.

This volume comprises fifteen new essays on the Apostolic Fathers with a focus on 1 and 2 Clement. An introductory essay investigates the role of seventeenth-century librarians in the origination of the collection’s title. Five essays concern 1 Clement, exploring its relationship to 1 Corinthians, its generic classification, the discussion of „Christian education“ (1 Clem. 21:8), the golden calf tradition, and the well-known legend of the regeneration of the phoenix. Three essays treat 2 Clement, including problems with recent translations of chapter 1, the motif of the barren woman in chapter 2, and the analogy of faith as a race in chapter 7. The volume ranges widely within and beyond early Christian literature-from the streets of ancient Achaean and Asian the early modern libraries of Europe.

Bestellnummer: 3226VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 149,-- 

Landeskunde ZVAB Wirtschaftswissenschaft Verlag Sozialphilosophie Antiquariat und Verlag Klaus Breinlich

Sammeln ist ein Grundtrieb der menschlichen Natur und Büchersammeln eine der edelsten unter den Sammelleidenschaften