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DUBRAU,A., Transfer and Religion. Tübingen 2021.


DUBRAU, Alexander A., Davide SCOTTO, Ruggero VIMERCATI SANSEVERINO (Hrsg.),

Transfer and Religion. Interactions between Judaism, Christianity and Islam from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2021.

IX, 404 S. Leinen. (Sapientia Islamica, 3). ISBN 9783161562419.

This collaboration brings into conversation scholars of Jewish and Islamic studies, theologians, and cultural historians to shed new light on the enduring intertwining between the Abrahamic faiths in the Mediterranean and Central Europe since the Middle Ages. Drawing on interdisciplinary expertise, the volume presents a series of case studies reflecting – in either a constructive or a disruptive way – the interactions between the dynamics of transfer and the role of religion in society. The long durée of the book’s chronology helps outline the making of religious transfers in the medieval times and their transformations up to the twentieth-century challenges of nationalism and secularism. Considering a variety of distinct implications and reactions to religious transfer, the volume contributes to pinpointing past and present challenges towards religious conceptions, doctrines and narratives in the interaction between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Bestellnummer: 3407VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 144,-- 

Alte Drucke Sammler Antike Geschichte Buch Antiquitäten

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