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BORMANN,L., Abraham's Family. 2018.


BORMANN, Lukas (Hrsg.),

Abraham’s Family. A Network of Meaning in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2018.

17 x 23 cm. IX, 498 S. Leinen. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 415). ISBN 9783161563027.

Abraham, whom the apostle Paul calls the „father of us all“ (Rom 4:16), was a central figure in Judaism from the outset and came to be important in Christianity and Islam. The contributions to this volume discuss the presentation and reception of Abraham’s family in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The topics cover Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Second Temple writings, New Testament, Rabbinic literature, Greek, Latin and Syriac church fathers, as well as Jewish medieval interpretation and a twelfth-century Arabic travel report of a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Contributors:Guido Baltes, Michael Becker, Bärbel Beinhauer-Köhler, Christfried Böttrich, Lukas Bormann, Michaela Durst, Reuven Firestone, Mariano Gomez Aranda, Jesper Høgenhaven, Magnar Kartveit, Eva-Maria Kreitschmann, Anni Maria Laato, Antti Laato, Aliyah El Mansy, Martin Meiser, Christian Noack, Catalin-Stefan Popa, Jacques T.A.G.M. van Ruiten, Konrad Schmid, Angela Standhartinger, Lotta Valve, J. Cornelis de Vos

Bestellnummer: 3414VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 179,--