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CULPEPPER,R., Designs for the Church in the Gospel of John. Tübingen 2021.



Designs for the Church in the Gospel of John. Collected Essays, 1980-2020. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2021.

16 x 23 cm. XXVI, 774 S. Leinen. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament). ISBN 9783161602627.

The essays in this volume, which span four decades, represent sustained reflection on the historical setting, narrative devices, and theology of the Gospel of John. Methodologically, the essays develop a narrative-critical approach to the Gospel, producing insights that have implications for historical and theological issues. Thematically, many of the essays explore the Gospel’s ecclesiology, especially its vision for the church and its mission. As a collection, this volume provides an introduction to the Fourth Gospel, analyses of major issues (including John’s anti-Judaism, relationship to 1 John, irony, imagery, creation ethics, evil, and eschatology), and in-depth exploration of key texts, especially John 1:1-18, 2:20; 4:35-38; 5:1-18; 5:21-30; 10:1-18; 12:12-15; 13:1-20; 19:16-30; 20:19-23; and chapter 21.

Bestellnummer: 3795VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 209,-- 

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