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BEN-DOV,J., Social History of the Jews in Antiquity. Tübingen 2021.


BEN-DOV, Jonathan, Michal BAR-ASHER SIEGAL (Hrsg.),

Social History of the Jews in Antiquity. Studies in Dialogue with Albert Baumgarten. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2021.

XV, 401 S. Leinen. (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism). ISBN 9783161606946.

The present volume comprises articles by renowned international scholars in academic dialogue with the work of Albert Baumgarten. They contextualize ancient Jewish texts not only for their own sake, but also as a way of shedding light on antiquity in general. They address texts from the fields of Greco-Roman studies, Hellenistic Judaism, Second Temple sectarianism, rabbinic literature, and various facets of early Christianity. Additionally, there are articles discussing comparative religion, sociology of knowledge, anthropology, and economic history. Together, the articles create an in-depth analysis of the social history of Jews in antiquity.

Bestellnummer: 3811VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 174,--