TOPS,T., Paroimia and Parresia in the Gospel of John. Tübingen 2022.


TOPS, Thomas,

Paroimia and Parresia in the Gospel of John. A Historical-Hermeneutical Study. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2022.

XVIII, 497 S. Fadenbindung. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe). ISBN 9783161611025.

The language of the Gospel of John is known for its complexity. On the basis of the modern standards of transparency and logic, previous scholars have depicted this language as obscure, confusing, and mysterious. Thomas Tops goes beyond these oversimplifications by providing an in-depth historical study of John’s characterisation of Jesus’ language with the terms paroimia and parr e sia . By providing original insights in these terms, the author offers a new perspective on the functioning of Johannine language. As the Johannine Jesus teaches both through paroimia and parr e sia , his language conceals and reveals at the same time. His criticism is veiled and calls on its addressees to search for the hidden meanings of his words. Veiled speech allows the Johannine Jesus to criticise his opponents and openly reveal his messianic identity to those who cannot accept the truth in any other way.

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