DAMLER,D., Rechtsästhetik. Berlin 2016.


DAMLER, Daniel,

Rechtsästhetik. Sinnliche Analogien im juristischen Denken. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2016.

16 x 23 cm. 408 S. 39 Abb.; 408 S., 39 schw.-w. Abb. Leinen. ISBN 9783428148417.

Daniel Damler (born 1975) is a German legal scholar and practitioner. Damler studied law, modern and medieval history at the universities of Tübingen, Frankfurt/Main and Madrid. Among his publications: »Imperium Contrahens. Eine Vertragsgeschichte des spanischen Weltreichs in der Renaissance« (Imperium Contrahens: A history of treaties of the Spanish empire in the Renaissance, 2008); »Wildes Recht. Zur Pathogenese des Effektivitätsprinzips in der neuzeitlichen Eigentumslehre« (Untamed Law: Toward a pathogenesis of the principle of effectiveness in modern property doctrine, 2nd Edition, 2010).

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