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BOSBACH,F., Common Heritage. Berlin 2018.


BOSBACH, Franz, John DAVIS, Karina URBACH (Hrsg.),

Common Heritage. Documents and Sources relating to German-British Relations in the Archives and Collections of Windsor and Coburg. Vol. 2: The Photograph Collections and Private Libraries. Compiled by Oliver Walton. Based on preliminary work by Sonja Schultheiß-Heinz. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018.

16 x 23 cm. 799 S. 4 Tab., 3 Abb.; 799 S., 3 schw.-w. Abb., 4 schw.-w. Tab. Leinen. (Prinz-Albert-Forschungen – Prince Albert Research Publications, 7/2). ISBN 9783428151905.

List of Plates and Tables



The Photograph Collections

Introduction to the Photographs in the Royal Collection: Photographs in the Royal Collection – Introduction to the Photographs in Coburg: The Photograph Collections in Coburg

The Private Libraries

Introduction to the Royal Library and the Private Libraries of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert: Queen Victoria’s Private Library in 1843, Queen Victoria’s German Books, Prince Albert’s Private Library in 1843, Prince Albert’s Private Library in c.1860 – Introduction to the Ducal Private Library at Coburg: The Private Library of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1901

Index of People Photographed

Index of Photographers

Index of Authors and Editors

Bestellnummer: 4752VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 179,90