DI MIERI,A., Die Feuerversicherung im italienischen Codice di commercio von 1882


DI MIERI, Antonio,

Die Feuerversicherung im italienischen Codice di commercio von 1882. Seeversicherungsrechtliche Tradition, Feuerversicherungspraxis und die Rezeption ausländischen Rechts. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2021.

16 x 23 cm. 239 S. (Comparative Studies in the History of Insurance Law – Studien zur vergleichenden Geschichte des Versicherungsrechts, 12). ISBN 9783428182237.

Antonio Di Mieri studied law at the University of Augsburg from 2011 to 2016 and passed the so called »Erste Juristische Staatspruefung« in 2016. After successfully passing the so called »Zweite Juristische Staatspruefung« in 2018 Antonio Di Mieri worked from November 2018 to August 2020 as a research assistant at the University of Augsburg in the ERC funded project CHILE of Prof. Dr. Phillip Hellwege. In addition, he worked as a research assistant at the law firm Noerr. Since September 2020, Antonio Di Mieri is employed at this law firm as a lawyer in the field of real estate.

Bestellnummer: 5131VB

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