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GARZÓN VALDÉS,E., Normative Systems in Legal and Moral Theory. Berlin 1997.

GARZÓN VALDÉS, Ernesto, Werner KRAWIETZ, Georg Henrik von WRIGHT, Ruth ZIMMERLING (Hrsg.),

Normative Systems in Legal and Moral Theory. „Festschrift“ for Carlos E. Alchourrón and Eugenio Bulygin. With an Epilogue by Georg Henrik von Wright. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1997.

16 x 23 cm. XIV, 528 S. 2 Bildtafeln; XIV, 528 S. Leinen. ISBN 9783428086917.

Inhalt: W. Becker, Anerkennung und Toleranz. Über die politischen Tugenden der Demokratie – M. Bunge, A New Look at Moral Realism – A. A. Martino, A Logic for Politics – H. Pfeiffer, Mut zur Förderung der Elite – E. Rabossi, Some Concepts of Civil Society – R. Zimmerling, Europäische Dilemmata? – J. M. Broekman, The Reasonableness of Expectations – M. D. Farrell, Rawls’ Three Stages – O. Fiss, Human Rights as Social Ideals – E. Garzón Valdés, Über Verantwortungssätze – E. Sosa, Normative Objectivity – O. Weinberger, Handlungsentscheidung als Optimierungsprozeß – P. Comanducci, Taking Kelsen Seriously – H. Kliemt, Subsidiarity as a Guiding Principle of Constitutional Design and of Constitutional Adjudication – S. L. Paulson, On the Kelsen-Kant Problematic – R. Walter, Das Problem des Verhältnisses von Recht und Logik im Lichte von Rechtsdogmatik und Rechtsanwendung – A. Aarnio, On Precedents and their Bindingness – R. Alexy, Bulygins Kritik des Richtigkeitsarguments – L. Gianformaggio, ‚Like‘, ‚Equal‘, ‚Similar‘: Are They to be Treated Alike? – R. Guastini, Interpretive Statements – L. Lindahl, Norms, Meaning Postulates, and Legal Predicates – A. Peczenik, The Passion for Reason. Some Remarks on Coherence in the Law – A. Soeteman, On Legal Gaps – R. Hilpinen, On Impersonal Ought-Statements and Personal Directives – A. J. I. Jones / M. Sergot, A Formal Characterization of Institutionalized Power – W. Krawietz, Recht als normatives Kommunikat in normen- und handlungstheoretischer Perspektive – M. La Torre, Meaning, Norm and Legal Science. An Institutionalist Approach – N. MacCormick, On Institutional Normative Order: An Idea About Law – G. H. von Wright, Ought to be; Ought to do – L. Åqvist, Branching Time in Deontic Logic: Remarks on an Example by Alchourrón and Bulygin – H. Fiedler, Juristische Expertensysteme, Logik und Rechtstheorie – R. A. Guibourg, Formalization of Competence – D. Makinson, On the Force of Some Apparent Counterexamples to Recovery – T. Mazzarese, Fuzzy Logic and Judicial Decision-Making: The Peril of a Rationalist Fallacy – G. H. von Wright, Epilogue

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