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WIJFFELS,A., Case Law in the Making. Berlin 1997.


WIJFFELS, Alain (Hrsg.),

Case Law in the Making. The Techniques and Methods of Judicial Records and Law Reports. Vol. 1: Essays. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1997.

16 x 23 cm. 375 S. (Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, 17/I). ISBN 9783428090754.

Inhalt: D. J. Ibbetson / A. Wijffels, Case Law in the Making: The Techniques and Methods of Judicial Records and Law Reports – J. H. Baker, The Common-Law Courts of Medieval England: Year Books and Plea Rolls – D. J. Ibbetson, Report and Record in Early-Modern Common Law – W. H. Bryson, Equity Reports and Records in Early-Modern England – R. H. Helmholz, Records and Reports: The English Ecclesiastical Courts – W. H. Bryson, Virginia Law Reports and Records, 1776-1800 – A. Romano, La Regia Gran Corte del Regno di Sicilia – C. Vallone, Corti feudali e poteri di giustizia nel Salento medievale – M. Ascheri, La Rota della Repubblica di Siena nel secolo XVI – B. Auzary-Schmaltz / S. Dauchy, Le Parlement de Paris – B. Auzary-Schmaltz, Les recueils d’arrêts privés au Moyen Age – S. Dauchy, Les recueils privés de ‘jurisprudence’ aux Temps Modernes – J. Bart, Les archives judiciaires du Parlement de Dijon – M. Petitjean, Les recueils d’arrêts bourguignons – F. Ranieri, Entscheidungsfindung und Technik der Urteilsredaktion in der Tradition des deutschen Usus modernus: das Beispiel der Aktenrelationen am Reichskammergericht – A. Wijffels, Grand Conseil de Malines: La rédaction des sentences étendues et le recueil de jurisprudence de Guillaume de Grysperre – J. T. de Smidt / C. Verhas, Le “Hoge Raad” (La Haye), Cour Suprême de Hollande, Zélande et Frise Occidentale – G. Dolezalek, Litigation at the Rota Romana, particularly around 1700

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