EILENBROCK,C., Art. 91e GG und das Verdikt verfassungswidrigen Verfassungsrechts
Art. 91e GG und das Verdikt verfassungswidrigen Verfassungsrechts. Zur Bindung des verfassungsändernden Gesetzgebers an Art. 79 Abs. 3 GG. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018.
16 x 23 cm. 486 S. (Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht, 1386). ISBN 9783428154326.
Christoph Eilenbrock studied law at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. After his First Legal State Examination in 2009, he worked there as a research assistant. Following his Second Legal State Examination in 2011, he held a position as research associate with Prof. Dr. Suerbaum at the Chair for Public Law, especially Administative Law, Julius-Maximilians- Universität Würzburg. During this time, this dissertation was written. Since September 2013 Christoph Eilenbrock has been a judge at the Administrative Court Gelsenkirchen. He was appointed for life in 2015.
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