The small series “AVKB-Edition” will additionally bring together some texts, monographs and bibliographies that are out of print or difficult to access and make them available as reprints in hardback book form.

My offer is intended to appeal to scholars and lawyers as well as laymen interested in science. It is intended to be an attractive contact point for academic libraries as well as for passionate private collectors and bibliophiles.

HILPERT,J., Die Systemverantwortung der Übertragungsnetzbetreiber im Strommarkt


HILPERT, Johannes,

Die Systemverantwortung der Übertragungsnetzbetreiber im Strommarkt 2.0. Zur Gewährleistung der netzseitigen Versorgungssicherheit unter den Herausforderungen von Liberalisierung und Energiewende. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018.

16 x 23 cm. 445 S. (Schriften zum Deutschen und Europäischen Infrastrukturrecht, 10). ISBN 9783428155118.

Johannes Hilpert studied German and European laws at the university of Würzburg (2005–2010). He passed his legal clerkship in the district of Higher Regional Court Bamberg (2010–2012). Since 2012 he has been working for the Foundation of Environmental Energy Law, located in Würzburg. He completed his doctorate in 2018.

Order Number: 6117VB

Fixed Retail Price: EUR 109,90

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