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REUß,P., Theorie eines Elternschaftsrechts. Berlin 2018.


REUß, Philipp M.,

Theorie eines Elternschaftsrechts. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018.

16 x 23 cm. 592 S. Leinen. (Das Bürgerliche Recht. Habilitationen, 3). ISBN 9783428155132.

Undergraduate resp. postgraduate studies in law at LMU Munich (state examination) and Oxford University (MJur). 2006 First State Examination (Munich); 2010 award of the degree Dr. iur. at LMU Munich; 2012 Second State Examination (Munich); 2018 Habilitation at LMU Munich. Currently Akad. Rat a.Z. at the Institute of International Law – Comparative Law at LMU Munich and teaching at Bonn University (Lehrstuhlvertretung).

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