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HELLWEGE,P., A History of Tontines in Germany. Berlin 2018.


HELLWEGE, Phillip,

A History of Tontines in Germany. From a multi-purpose financial product to a single-purpose pension product. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018.

16 x 23 cm. 188 S. (Comparative Studies in the History of Insurance Law – Studien zur vergleichenden Geschichte des Versicherungsrechts, 3). ISBN 9783428156160.

A. Introduction

A modern definition of tontines – The occurrence of tontines in German-speaking territories – Tontines and the history of life insurance – Lorenzo Tonti and the origins of tontines – The objectives of the present volume

B. The occurrence of tontines in German-speaking territories

Tontines mentioned in the modern literature – The origins of tontines in German-speaking territories – The three phases of the development of tontines – Comparative observations – Conclusion

C. Tontine designs in German-speaking territories

Basic tontine designs – The first phase: self contained tontines in the 17th and 18th centuries – The second phase: tontines issued by pension funds in the 19th century – The third phase: tontine life insurance products in the late 19th century – Conclusion and comparative observations

D. From a multi-purpose to a single-purpose financial product

The first phase: self-contained tontines in the 17th and 18th centuries – The second phase: tontines issued by pension funds in the 19th century – The third phase: tontine life insurance products in the late 19th century

E. Tontines and the development life insurance

Tontines and the developemt of actuarial science – Spreading the idea of life insurance – The legal aspects of tontines and the development of life insurance law – Conclusion and comparative observations

F. Conclusion

Archival Sources, Other Sources, Bibliography, Index

Bestellnummer: 6138VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 89,90

Webshop Zeitgeschichte Warenkorb Antiquariat und Verlag Klaus Breinlich Verlag Offenbach

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