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SCHNEIDER,B., Fernmeldegeheimnis und Fernmeldeaufklärung. Berlin 2020.



Fernmeldegeheimnis und Fernmeldeaufklärung. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2020.

16 x 23 cm. 384 S. (Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht, 1428). ISBN 9783428159642.

Bastian Schneider is a Judge at the administrative court of Karlsruhe. He studied law at the University of Heidelberg and then proceeded to serve as a parliamentary aide for a Member of Parliament in the Bundestag’s Committee of Inquiry on the NSA’s intelligence activities. Schneider completed his two-year legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe with stages in Mannheim, Stuttgart and Berlin. He obtained his doctorate from the Faculty of Law of the University of Heidelberg in 2019 while already serving on the bench. Special assignments took him to the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice, the Federal Constitutional Court and the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Bestellnummer: 6189VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 99,90