DREHER,F., Bedingte Pflichtwandelanleihen. Berlin 2018.
Bedingte Pflichtwandelanleihen. Contingent Convertible Bonds (CoCo-Bonds) zwischen Bankaufsichts-, Schuld- und Aktienrecht. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018.
16 x 23 cm. 312 S. (Abhandlungen zum Deutschen und Europäischen Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht, 126). ISBN 9783428155484.
Frederic Maximilian Dreher studied law at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (2010–2015). He worked as a research assistant at the Institute for International Business Law at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Yuanshi Bu, LL.M. In January 2018, he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg. In June 2018, he received his Master’s Degree from the University of Chicago Law School.
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