HÜBNER,H., Die Stellung des Steuerpflichtigen in der Außenprüfung. Berlin 2019.
Die Stellung des Steuerpflichtigen in der Außenprüfung. Reformbedarf im Lichte der spanischen Ley General Tributaria?. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2019.
16 x 23 cm. 456 S. Tab., Abb.; 456 S. (Schriften zum Steuerrecht, 138). ISBN 9783428157068.
Hendrik B. Hübner studied law in Münster and Barcelona (focus on tax law). During his doctoral studies he completed research periods of several months at Autonomous University of Madrid and University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and worked as research assistant for international law firms in Düsseldorf and Berlin. Since 2017 he is passing his legal traineeship at the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf e.g. with stages at the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Federal Finance Court.
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