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HIRSCH,P., Das Verbrechen als Rechtsverletzung. Berlin 2021.


HIRSCH, Philipp-Alexander,

Das Verbrechen als Rechtsverletzung. Subjektive Rechte im Strafrecht. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2021.

16 x 23 cm. 387 S. 2 Tab., 3 Abb.; 387 S., 3 schw.-w. Abb., 2 schw.-w. Tab. (Strafrechtliche Abhandlungen. Neue Folge, 299). ISBN 9783428181728.

Philipp-Alexander Hirsch studied law and philosophy in Göttingen, Vienna and Toronto. He received a doctorate in philosophy in 2017 for his thesis »Freedom and Statehood in Kant« (»Freiheit und Staatlichkeit bei Kant«) and a doctorate in Law in 2020 for his thesis »The Wrongfulness of Crimes« (»Das Verbrechen als Rechtsverletzung«). Since 2018 he has been a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Criminal Law and Justice as well as a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Göttingen. His research focuses on criminal law, history of criminal law and legal philosophy.

Bestellnummer: 7471VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 89,90