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WANWITZ,I., Netzsicherheitsmanagement. Berlin 2022.


WANWITZ, Ivo Veit,

Netzsicherheitsmanagement. Betrachtung der rechtlichen Vorgaben für den Umgang mit kurzfristigen netztechnischen Problemen im Stromnetz vor dem Hintergrund einer im Wandel begriffenen Netzstruktur. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2022.

16 x 23 cm. 347 S. (Schriften zum Deutschen und Europäischen Infrastrukturrecht, 20). ISBN 9783428185368.

Ivo Veit Wanwitz studied law as a German National Academic Foundation scholar at Bucerius Law School (LL.B. 2015) and at the University of Virginia School of Law, USA. In 2016, he passed the First State Examination in Law in Hamburg. Until completing the Second State Examination for Lawyers in 2019, he was a trainee lawyer at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, including positions at the Administrative Court of Hamburg and an international law firm in Los Angeles, California, USA. In October 2021, he was awarded his doctorate degree in law at the University of Tubingen. Since May 2021, he is an attorney in the field of Corporate/M&A with a focus on energy and infrastructure law.

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