The thematic range of my antiquarian bookshop includes history and regional studies from antiquity to contemporary history, the diversity of jurisprudence and history of law, political science and the history of political ideas, economics, sociology, social philosophy and history of science.

We are looking forward to your orders, inquiries, suggestions or your offers.

KOHL,W. (Bearb.), Das Domstift St. Paulus zu Münster. 3 Bde. Berlin 1982-89.

KOHL, Domstift St. Paulus zu Münster. 3 Bde. Berlin 1982/89

Münster: KOHL, Wilhelm (Bearb.),

Das Domstift St. Paulus zu Münster. Im Auftrage des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte bearbeitet. 3 Bde. Berlin und New York, de Gruyter, 1982-1989.

Gr.-8vo. (I:) XIV, 753; (II:) XXXIV, 953; (III:) XXX, 662 S. Originale Verlagsleinenbände. (Germania Sacra, NF 17: Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Köln. Das Bistum Münster, 4,1-3). (NP 566,— EUR).

Order Number: 7732AB

Rare Book: EUR 140,-- 

AVKB web shop publisher geography social philosophy history

As a dealer, I am always looking for suitable books and libraries from my range of topics. Offers are always welcome, viewing appointments can be arranged at short notice.