Die thematische Bandbreite meines Antiquariats umfasst die Geschichte und Landeskunde von der Antike bis zur aktuellen Zeitgeschichte, die Vielfalt der Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtsgeschichte, der Politikwissenschaft und politischen Ideengeschichte, der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der Soziologie, Sozialphilosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.

Sammeln ist ein Grundtrieb der menschlichen Natur und Büchersammeln eine der edelsten unter den Sammelleidenschaften

ERH-SOON TAY,A., Rule of Law. Berlin 1997.


ERH-SOON TAY, Alice, Werner KRAWIETZ, Enrico PATTARO (Hrsg.),

Rule of Law. Political and Legal Systems in Transition. Preface by Ota Weinberger. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1997.

16 x 23 cm. XV, 390 S. Tab., Abb.; XV, 390 S. (Rechtstheorie. Beihefte, 17). ISBN 9783428090709.

Inhalt: J. Bengoetxea, The Withering Away of the State at the Turn of the Millenium – J. Dalberg-Larsen, Legal Pluralism in a Historical Perspective – C. J. Edwards, The Future of Rights and Democracy in a Multi-Cultural Society – A. Molnar, Autonomous Regional Law in Postcommunist State – H. Zahle, Legal Polycentricity – K. A. Ziegert, The Cultural Differentiation of Legal Systems. A Theory Design for the Assessment of Legal Change in Post-Communist Societies – W. E. Conklin, The Secret Foundation of Sovereignty in Legal Positivism – R. T. De George, The Many Faces of Sovereignty – G. Gasparri, Vers des Nouvelles Formes de Souveraineté – J. Habermas, The European Nation State. Its Achievements and its Limitations. On the Past and Future of Sovereignty and Citizenship – A. Perenic, Must the Transition Necessarily be an Uncritical Imitation? – S. Tönnies, Der basisdemokratische Diskurs und die Idee der Repräsentation – M. Troper, Le Titulaire de la Souveraineté – D. Buchwald, The Rule of Law: A Complete and Consistent Set of (Legal) Norms? – J. M. Campbell, The Rule of Law: A Lesser of Two Evils – S. Cotta, Les Droits et l’État de Droit – A. Czarnota, Meaning of Rule of Law in Post-Communist Society – E. Lagerspetz, Political Obligation and Constitutional Self-Destruction – L. Baccelli, Citizenship and Membership – M. Borri, European Citizenship and National Identities. Some Suggestions from a Comparative Research – D. E. Cooper, Citizenship and Postconventional Consciousness – P. Koller, The Scope of Human Rights – M. La Torre, Citizenship and Beyond. Remarks on Political Membership and Legal Subjectivity – A. Makolkin, Blood Icons, Signs of Exclusion and Citizenship Laws – J. M. Rosales / J. Rubio-Carracedo, To Govern Pluralism: Towards a Concept of Complex Citizenship – A. Bröstl, Challenges to the Rechtsstaat-Model in Slovakia – J. W. Harris, China, Hong Kong and Divided Sovereignty after 1997 – Y. Hasebe, The August Revolution Thesis and the Making of the Constitution of Japan – I. Padjen, Constitutionalism and Democracy in International Community: Self-Determination in Former Yugoslavia as a Test – Y. Stoilov, Different Aspects and Levels of the Separation of the Powers. Eastern European Countries Issues – G. J. Yacobucci, Democratic Legality and Development in Latin America. A Problematic Relationship – Y. Zheng, Two Challenges Facing the Chinese Legal System at the End of Twenty Century

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