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ULLRICH,G., The Law of the International Civil Service. Berlin 2018.


ULLRICH, Gerhard,

The Law of the International Civil Service. Institutional Law and Practice in International Organisations. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018.

16 x 23 cm. 538 S. ISBN 9783428149148.

Gerhard Ullrich studied law in Munich, Lausanne and Geneva; 1967 Doctor of Laws; Representing the German Government in various international conferences and at the Interim Committee for the establishment of the European Patent Organisation (EPO) (1973–1977); General Legal Counsel of the European Patent Office (1977–2005); Member of the Munich Bar (since 2005); Vice-President of the Appeals Committee of the Council of the EPO (2010–2012); Advising various international organisations on the implementation of their employment law; Numerous publications on the law of the international civil service; Member of the European Stability Mechanism Administrative Tribunal (since 2014).

Bestellnummer: 8356VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 89,90

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