CASPARI,V., Kameralismus und Merkantilismus. Berlin 2022.


CASPARI, Volker (Hrsg.),

Kameralismus und Merkantilismus. Studien zur Entwicklung der ökonomischen Theorie XXXIX. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2022.

16 x 23 cm. 201 S. 1 Tab., 1 farb. Abb.; 201 S., 1 farb. Abb., 1 schw.-w. Tab. (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, 115/XXXIX). ISBN 9783428184569.

Volker Caspari is professor (emerit) for economic theory at TU Darmstadt. Since October 2019 he is senior professor of economics at Goethe University Frankfurt / M., where he teaches and researches on the economics of growth, on the historical development of economies and on the history of economic thought. He was born in Frankfurt/Main and studied economics at the Goethe University in Frankfurt / M., Where he also received his doctorate and habilitation. In 1984 he was Theodor Heuss lecturer at New School University, New York. He has researched and published on topics of capital theory, growth and long-term economic development, micro foundations of Macroeconomics as well as the history of economic theory.

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