BRAND,T., Internationale Zuständigkeit für ubiquitäre deliktische Schutzrechtsve
Internationale Zuständigkeit für ubiquitäre deliktische Schutzrechtsverletzungen. Zur Bedeutung der Staats- und Parteiinteressen für die Streitbeilegung in der EU. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2022.
16 x 23 cm. 410 S. 11 Tab.; 410 S., 11 schw.-w. Tab. (Schriften zum Prozessrecht, 282). ISBN 9783428186075.
Thimo Brand studied law from 2013 to 2018 at the University of Passau. He conducted his doctoral thesis during his time as a research assistant at the Chair of Civil Law, German, European and International Business Law (Prof. Dr. Michael Beurskens). Since 2021, Thimo Brand has been a legal trainee in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Munich und works part-time as a research assistant at the Chair of Law and Security in Digital Transformation (Prof. Dr. Dirk Heckmann).
Order Number: 8640VB
Fixed Retail Price: EUR 99,90