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STENSCHKE,C., Luke's Portrait of Gentiles Prior to Their Coming to Faith. Tübing


STENSCHKE, Christoph W.,

Luke’s Portrait of Gentiles Prior to Their Coming to Faith. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 1999.

23 x 16 cm. XVIII, 460 S. Fadenbindung. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe, 108). ISBN 9783161471391.

Christoph W. Stenschke examines Luke’s portrait of the Gentiles’ state prior to their coming to Christian faith. Following the history of research, he commences with Luke’s direct references to the Gentiles prior to faith and then draws conclusions concerning their state from the Gentile encounter with Jesus and Christian salvation. This includes Luke’s notes on the condition of Gentiles and on their appropriation of salvation. Finally conclusions from Luke’s portrayal of Gentile Christians are drawn. With his approach Christoph W. Stenschke challenges some previous contributions to Lukan anthropology. He argues that the main study in the field (J.-W. Taeger, Der Mensch und sein Heil) does not sufficiently consider all the evidence. By concentrating on the Gentiles in Luke-Act (including Samaritans and God-fearers) the author’s thesis covers all the relevant material. Contrary to Taeger, who suggests that Gentiles do not need ‚salvation‘ as much as ‚correction‘, he discovers that Luke portrays Gentiles prior to faith in a condition requiring God’s saving intervention. Thorough correction has to accompany and follow this salvation. Though allowing for distinct Lukan emphases, this portrait is not essentially at odds with that of other NT authors. These results further show that the Areopagus speech needs to and can be satisfactorily interpreted in its context and in conjunction with similar statements. The author further argues that Luke’s narrative sections and the characterization they present should no longer be neglected in favour of the speeches. Luke’s portrayal of Gentiles prior to faith also bears on his understanding of sin and provides additional justification for the Gentile mission. Christoph W. Stenschke challenges proposals of Luke’s alleged anti-Judaism and provides some hitherto little-noticed correctives.

Bestellnummer: 1348VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 129,-- 

Bibliothek Antike Schweiz Antiquariat und Verlag Klaus Breinlich Alte Drucke Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Das Angebot soll Gelehrte und Rechtsanwälte ebenso ansprechen wie wissenschaftlich interessierte Laien, es soll den wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken eine ebenso attraktive Anlaufstelle sein wie den passionierten Privatsammlern und Bibliophilen.