Collecting is a basic instinct of human nature and book collecting is one of the noblest among the collecting passions

The thematic range of my antiquarian bookshop includes history and regional studies from antiquity to contemporary history, the diversity of jurisprudence and history of law, political science and the history of political ideas, economics, sociology, social philosophy and history of science.

MÜLLER,S., Verhandlungsgesteuerte Sanierung. Frankfurt am Main 2013

MÜLLER, Sebastian,

Verhandlungsgesteuerte Sanierung durch den prepackaged plan. Das Planintiativrecht des Schuldners aus § 218 Abs. 1 S. 2 InsO als Ausgangspunkt steuer- und planbarer Gestaltungsprozesse. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2013.

8vo. 259 S. Originaler Pappeinband. (Schriftenreihe des Centrum für Deutsches & Europäisches Insolvenzrecht, hrsg. v. Stefan Smid, Silke Wehdeking u. Mark Zeuner, 4). Verlagsfrischer Zustand! (NP 63,90 EUR).

Order Number: 1351CB

Rare Book: EUR 40,-- 

contemporary shopping AVKB-Edition buy law Klaus Breinlich

The thematic range of my antiquarian bookshop includes history and regional studies from antiquity to contemporary history, the diversity of jurisprudence and history of law, political science and the history of political ideas, economics, sociology, social philosophy and history of science.