I welcome you to the pages of our website, with which I would like to share with you my continuing enthusiasm for the antiquarian book trade.

As a dealer, I am always looking for suitable books and libraries from my range of topics. Offers are always welcome, viewing appointments can be arranged at short notice.

BLASBERG,D., Inhalts- und Schrankenbestimmungen. Berlin 2008

BLASBERG, Daniela,

Inhalts- und Schrankenbestimmungen des Grundeigentums zum Schutz der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen. Das Verhältnis von Art. 14 Abs. 1 und 2 GG zu Art. 20a GG. Berlin, Springer, 2008.

8vo. XII, 222 S. Originaler Verlag-Pappeinband. (Bibliothek des Eigentums, hrsg. v. Otto Depenheuer, 4). Verlagsfrischer Zustand! (NP 119,99 EUR).

Dissertation, Universität zu Köln, 2007.

Order Number: 1448CB

Rare Book: EUR 80,-- 

book shop economics antiquarian search Schweiz political ideas

Collecting is a basic instinct of human nature and book collecting is one of the noblest among the collecting passions