In der kleinen Reihe „AVKB-Edition“ sollen zusätzlich einige vergriffene oder schwer zugängliche Texte, Monographien und Bibliographien zusammengeführt und als Nachdrucke in gebundener Buchform zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Das Angebot soll Gelehrte und Rechtsanwälte ebenso ansprechen wie wissenschaftlich interessierte Laien, es soll den wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken eine ebenso attraktive Anlaufstelle sein wie den passionierten Privatsammlern und Bibliophilen.

MOSCOVITZ,L., Talmudic Reasoning. Tübingen 2002.



Talmudic Reasoning. From Casuistics to Conceptualization. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2002.

24 x 16 cm. XIII, 403 S. Leinen. (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 89). ISBN 9783161477263.

The development of explicit legal concepts and principles in rabbinic literature reflects rabbinic legal thought at its most creative and sophisticated, as many of these concepts and principles deal with abstract, metaphysical entities. In this study Leib Moscovitz systematically surveys the development and impact of abstraction and conceptualization in the various legal corpora of rabbinic literature, illustrating the critical and unique role that conceptualization plays in talmudic reasoning. He demonstrates how the analysis of rabbinic conceptualization can shed light on numerous important aspects of rabbinic scholarship, such as the character and development of rabbinic legal thought, techniques of rabbinic legal exegesis, rabbinic jurisprudence, and various philological and historical issues in rabbinics, such as the chronology of the anonymous stratum of the Babylonian Talmud. Rabbinic conceptualization, though unique in many respects, shares certain features with cognate disciplines, and this study utilizes these disciplines (mainly jurisprudence, cognitive psychology, and philosophy) to illuminate rabbinic conceptualization wherever relevant. The themes addressed in this study include the use of casuistics, generalization, and implicit conceptualization in the earlier strata of rabbinic literature, classification and legal definition, legal fictions, legal explanation, analogy and association, and the development and use of explicit legal concepts and principles in the later strata of rabbinic literature.

Bestellnummer: 1510VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 134,-- 

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