I welcome you to the pages of our website, with which I would like to share with you my continuing enthusiasm for the antiquarian book trade.

We are looking forward to your orders, inquiries, suggestions or your offers.

OSSENBÜHL,F., Bestandsschutz und Nachrüstung. Köln 1994


Bestandsschutz und Nachrüstung von Kernkraftwerken. Köln, Carl Heymanns, 1994.

8vo. XIII, 140 S. Originaler Verlagskarton. (Recht Technik Wirtschaft Schriftenreihe, hrsg. v. Rudolf Lukes,70). (St.a.Tbrückseite u. Vorsatz).

Order Number: 15244AB

Rare Book: EUR 25,-- 

Antiquariat und Verlag Klaus Breinlich antiquity fine old prints drawing Booklooker book

Collecting is a basic instinct of human nature and book collecting is one of the noblest among the collecting passions