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SWEENEY,M., Form and Intertextuality in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature. Tü


SWEENEY, Marvin A.,

Form and Intertextuality in Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2005.

24 x 16 cm. XIII, 295 S. Leinen. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 45). ISBN 9783161486555.

This book contains a collection of nineteen essays by Marvin A. Sweeney, some previously unpublished, that focus on the role of literary form and intertextuality in the study of prophetic and apocalyptic literature. The volume includes five major parts: Isaiah; Jeremiah; Ezekiel; The Book of the Twelve Prophets; and Apocalyptic Literature. Selected topics include the Book of Isaiah as Prophetic Torah; the role of Isaiah 65-66 as conclusion of the Book of Isaiah; the interpretation of the Masoretic and Septuagint forms of the book of Jeremiah; Jeremiah 2-6 and 30-31 in relation to Josiah’s reform; Ezekiel’s role as Zadokite priest and visionary prophet; the problems of theodicy and holiness in Ezekiel 8-11 and 33-39; the interpretation of the Masoretic and Septuagint sequences of the Book of the Twelve; Micah’s Debate with Isaiah; Zechariah’s Debate with Isaiah; the priestly background of the Book of Daniel; the conceptualization of the war between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light in the War Scroll from Qumran; Rabbi Akiba’s journey to Pardes in Talmudic tradition; and others.

Bestellnummer: 1705VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 109,--