Collecting is a basic instinct of human nature and book collecting is one of the noblest among the collecting passions

My offer is intended to appeal to scholars and lawyers as well as laymen interested in science. It is intended to be an attractive contact point for academic libraries as well as for passionate private collectors and bibliophiles.

ABEL,M., Pfändungsschutz nach § 851 ZPO. Frankfurt am Main 2005

ABEL, Malte,

Pfändungsschutz nach § 851 ZPO. Speziell die Pfändung zweckgebundener Forderungen. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2005.

8vo. 237 S. Originaler Verlagskunststoffeinband. (Schriften zum Wirtschafts- und Medienrecht, Steuerrecht und Zivilprozeßrecht, hrsg. v. Jürgen Costede u. Gerald Spindler, 19). (St.a.T. u. Vorsatz, sonst guter Zustand). (NP 58,95 EUR).

Order Number: 19987AB

Rare Book: EUR 40,-- 

Booklooker VICO Verlag Amazon legal books Frankfurt

The small series “AVKB-Edition” will additionally bring together some texts, monographs and bibliographies that are out of print or difficult to access and make them available as reprints in hardback book form.