The thematic range of my antiquarian bookshop includes history and regional studies from antiquity to contemporary history, the diversity of jurisprudence and history of law, political science and the history of political ideas, economics, sociology, social philosophy and history of science.

The thematic range of my antiquarian bookshop includes history and regional studies from antiquity to contemporary history, the diversity of jurisprudence and history of law, political science and the history of political ideas, economics, sociology, social philosophy and history of science.

CONRADS,N., Die Durchführung der Altranstädter Konvention. Köln 1971

Schlesien: CONRADS, Norbert,

Die Durchführung der Altranstädter Konvention in Schlesien 1707-1709. Köln, Böhlau, 1971.

Gr.-8vo. XLVII, 413 S. Mit Abb. Originaler Verlagskarton. (Forschungen und Quellen zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte Ostdeutschlands, hrsg. v. Bernhard Stasiewski, 8). Guter Zustand!

Dissertation, 1971. Mit hs. Widmung des Verfassers für Prof. Zimmermann auf Vortitel.

Order Number: 23871AB

Rare Book: EUR 50,-- 

webshop political ideas AVKB Österreich Klaus Breinlich politics

Collecting is a basic instinct of human nature and book collecting is one of the noblest among the collecting passions