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Sammeln ist ein Grundtrieb der menschlichen Natur und Büchersammeln eine der edelsten unter den Sammelleidenschaften

ROTH,D., Metaphor, Narrative, and Parables in Q. 2014.


ROTH, Dieter T., Ruben ZIMMERMANN, Michael LABAHN (Hrsg.),

Metaphor, Narrative, and Parables in Q. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2014.

17 x 23 cm. X, 423 S. Leinen. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 315). ISBN 9783161523380.

Research on Q has frequently been driven by questions addressing the legitimacy of the two-source hypothesis or by questions related to the reconstruction of this source. As such, Q scholarship has often viewed its tasks primarily through the lenses of source- and redaction-critical perspectives. The authors of this volume make a conscious effort to refocus, at least to a certain extent, discussions concerning Q from questions of reconstruction to narratival and metaphorical aspects of this text. Narrative elements such as space, time, characters, plot, etc. on the one hand, and metaphorical elements such as Bildfeldtradition, socio-historical aspects of the images employed, etc., on the other, can be recognized and examined even apart from a precise, verbal reconstruction of a text.

Contributors:Robert A. Derrenbacker, Jr., Detlev Dormeyer, Harry T. Fleddermann, Paul Foster, Marco Frenschkowski, Christoph Heil, John S. Kloppenborg, Michael Labahn, InHee Park, Sarah E. Rollens, Dieter T. Roth, Daniel A. Smith, Markus Tiwald, Christopher Tuckett, Erin K. Vearncombe, Ruben Zimmermann

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