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MARX,D., Tractates Tamid, Middot and Qinnim. 2013.


MARX, Dalia,

Tractates Tamid, Middot and Qinnim. A Feminist Commentary. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2013.

17 x 23 cm. XII, 258 S. Leinen. (A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud, V/9). ISBN 9783161524967.

Dalia Marx provides a general introduction and feminist commentary on the last three tractates of the order of Qodashim. Each tractate deals with different aspects of the Second Temple as perceived by the rabbis and each sheds its own light on gender issues. The commentary on Tamid, a tractate dealing with the priestly service in the Temple, discusses the priests as a „gender unto themselves” and considers women as potential participants in the lay-service of the Temple and perhaps even as part of the sacred service. Middot concerns itself with the design of the Temple, and the commentary explores sacred space from a gendered perspective. Finally, Marx turns to Qinnim, a tractate dealing with bird offerings, typically brought by women. The commentary shows how the tractate employs images of women to develop its discourse. This volume opens a unique window onto the rabbis’ perspectives on the Temple and gender related matters.

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