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BOYARIN,D., The Talmud - A Personal Take Hrsg. von Tal Hever-Chybowski. 2018.


BOYARIN, Daniel,

The Talmud – A Personal Take Hrsg. von Tal Hever-Chybowski. Selected Essays. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2018.

17 x 23 cm. X, 499 S. Leinen. (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 170). ISBN 9783161528194.

This collection of Daniel Boyarin’s previously uncollected essays on the Talmud represents the different methods and lines of inquiry that have animated his work on that text over the last four decades. Ranging and changing from linguistic work to work on sex and gender to the relations between formative Judaism and Christianity to the literary genres of the Talmud in the Hellenistic context, he gives an account of multiple questions and provocations to which that prodigious book gives stimulation, showing how the Talmud can contribute to all of these fields. The book opens up possibilities for study of the Talmud using historical, classical, philological, anthropological, cultural studies, gender, and literary theory and criticism. As a kind of intellectual autobiography, it is a record of the alarums and excursions of a life in the Talmud.

Bestellnummer: 2688VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 194,-- 

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