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Die thematische Bandbreite meines Antiquariats umfasst die Geschichte und Landeskunde von der Antike bis zur aktuellen Zeitgeschichte, die Vielfalt der Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtsgeschichte, der Politikwissenschaft und politischen Ideengeschichte, der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der Soziologie, Sozialphilosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.

SCHÜLE,A., Theology from the Beginning. 2017.


SCHÜLE, Andreas,

Theology from the Beginning. Essays on the Primeval History and its Canonical Context. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2017.

17 x 23 cm. VIII, 340 S. Leinen. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 113). ISBN 9783161539978.

The Primeval History (Genesis 1-11) is one of the most complex theological compositions of the Old Testament/the Hebrew Bible. Woven into its multi-layered text one finds reflections on an array of fundamental questions: How did the world come into being? Who is its creator? What role does humankind play in the larger scheme of creation? Why is the world that God made not a perfect one? And finally, is it possible to lead a meaningful and even happy life despite the unpredictabilities of existence? The essays by Andreas Schüle assembled in this volume address these and related questions through close readings of Genesis 1-11 and by relating them to kindred textual traditions throughout the Old Testament/the Hebrew Bible.

Bestellnummer: 2985VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 139,-- 

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