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CHAN,M., The Wealth of Nations. 2017.


CHAN, Michael J.,

The Wealth of Nations. A Tradition-Historical Study. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2017.

155 x 232 cm. XVI, 273 S. Fadenbindung. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament. 2. Reihe, 93). ISBN 9783161540981.

Michael J. Chan argues, on a methodological level, for the deeper integration of iconographic materials into the task of tradition history-a method that has tended to focus on textual evidence alone. Following the work of O.H. Steck, however, „tradition“ is understood in more flexible terms, to refer to inherited concepts and constellations, which can exist across multiple media. The author undertakes a tradition-historical study of the „Wealth of Nations Tradition“ – a series of texts in which the foreign nations of the earth bring their wealth to Zion. The Wealth of Nations tradition is found throughout the ancient Near East. Michael J. Chan shows that in some cases, the biblical texts reflect this tradition with little to no modification while in others the tradition is recast in creative and disruptive ways.

Bestellnummer: 3011VB

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