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DE HULSTER,I., Figurines in Achaemenid Period Yehud. 2017.



Figurines in Achaemenid Period Yehud. Jerusalem’s History of Religion and Coroplastics in the Monotheism Debate. 1. Aufl. Mohr Siebeck, 2017.

17 x 23 cm. XV, 225 S. Leinen. (Orientalische Religionen in der Antike, 26). ISBN 9783161555503.

Were there figurines in Yehud during the Achaemenid period, and in particular in Jerusalem? A positive answer to this question disproves the general consensus about the absence of figurines in Yehud, which is built on the assumption that the figurines excavated in Judah/Yehud are chronologically indicative for Iron Age II in this area (aside from a few typological exceptions). Ephraim Stern and others have taken this alleged absence of figurines as indicative of Jewish monotheism´s rise. Izaak J. de Hulster refutes this `no figurines –> monotheism´ paradigm by detailed study of the figurines from Yigal Shiloh´s excavation in the `City of David´ (especially their contexts in Stratum 9), providing ample evidence for the presence of figurines in post-587/586 Jerusalem. The author further reflects on the paradigm´s premises in archaeology, history, the history of religion, theology, and biblical studies, and particularly in coroplastics (figurine studies).

Bestellnummer: 3288VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 134,-- 

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