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FISCHER,G., Jeremiah Studies. Tübingen 2020.



Jeremiah Studies. From Text and Contexts to Theology. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2020.

24 x 17 cm. VIII, 412 S. Leinen. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 139). ISBN 9783161589188.

Research on the Book of Jeremiah has gained momentum in the past forty years and led to new results. The differences between the MT and the LXX have received more attention than ever. The extent of Deuteronomistic thinking and of redactions marks the debate on the composition of the book. It has become evident that the Book of Jeremiah intensively picks up earlier sources and offers a synthesis of them, comparable to a mosaic. It concentrates on the downfall of Jerusalem, conceives anew the prophet’s role in the figure of Jeremiah and portrays the biblical God in a unique way. This collection of studies by Georg Fischer from the past ten years imparts insights into the recent discussions about the Book of Jeremiah.

Bestellnummer: 3591VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 174,-- 

AbeBooks Buchantiquariat Wirtschaftswissenschaft VICO Verlag Schweiz Österreich

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