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MORGAN,T., Being 'in Christ' in the Letters of Paul. Tübingen 2020.


MORGAN, Teresa,

Being ‚in Christ‘ in the Letters of Paul. Saved Through Christ and in His Hands. 1. Aufl. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2020.

24 x 16 cm. X, 321 S. Leinen. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 449). ISBN 9783161598852.

In this study, Teresa Morgan offers a radically new interpretation of ’in Christ’and related expressions in the undisputed letters of Paul. Starting from a reassessment of Deissmann’s Die neutestamentliche Formel „in Christo Jesu“, she argues that Deissmann’s philology is flawed, the Schweitzerian concept of ‚participation in Christ‘ which is indebted to it is problematic, and many contemporary accounts of participation are better understood in other terms. Through close readings of each letter, Teresa Morgan shows how Paul uses en Christo language instrumentally, to speak of what God has done ‚through‘ Christ, by Christ’s death, and ‚encheiristically‘, to speak of the life the faithful now live ’in Christ’s hands’: in Christ’s power, under his authority, under his protection, and in his care. This creative use of en Christo language forms part of and connects Paul’s soteriology, eschatology, and Christology, shaping his narrative of God’s intervention in the world, the relationship between God, Christ, and the faithful, the lordship and work of Christ between the resurrection and the parousia, and God’s ultimate triumph. This narrative is closely connected with Paul’s ecclesiology and ethics, where life ’in Christ’s hands’ is envisaged as the this-worldly dimension of the new creation: an aspect ofeternal life already active in the present time. In Christ’s hands the faithful, not least Paul himself, live a new life in communities with a distinctive structure and dynamic. In Christ’s hands, they hope to remain in right-standing with God and serve God until Christ’s return.

Bestellnummer: 3733VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 139,-- 

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