I invite you to browse through my offer of modern scientific publications and fine old prints, online or in my printed catalogues.

I invite you to browse through my offer of modern scientific publications and fine old prints, online or in my printed catalogues.

HADDING,W., Belgien. Berlin 1979.

HADDING, Walther, Uwe H. SCHNEIDER (Hrsg.),

Belgien. Recht der Kreditsicherheiten in europäischen Ländern, Teil III. Hrsg. von Walther Hadding – Uwe H. Schneider. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1979.

16 x 23 cm. XXXIX, 634 S. XXXIX, 634 S. (Untersuchungen über das Spar-, Giro- und Kreditwesen. Abteilung B: Rechtswissenschaft, 18). ISBN 9783428043354.

Order Number: 4038VB

Fixed Retail Price: EUR 119,90

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I invite you to browse through my offer of modern scientific publications and fine old prints, online or in my printed catalogues.